Greetings all,

Just to keep you up to speed on the 3rd and final book of the Destiny trilogy as a work in progress.

I have finished the first draft of the story and am in the process of tweaking the manuscript to whip it into shape.

While I am doing this, I am listening to an audiobook of Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank narrated by Helena Bonham-Carter.

Destiny turns 13 in the final book and officially becomes a teenager, a correlation Anne I didn’t make up until I did some research on her.

Her story, so articulate and imaginative, is informing my wrapping up of the Destiny series.

I have still a way to go to finish the audiobook but already the dark clouds are forming on the horizon for Anne.

Such a tragic and gut-wrenching story about the end of her life.

Very sobering listening.

I’ll keep you posted of progress, cheers.
