Hi folks, hope this message finds you all well.

Life goes on and writing has slowed down a bit. These strange, mad, and yes, worrying times.

It’s like we’re all treading water. Social distancing curiously affects you without you realising. You start to feel you are unable to connect with people. So, although I have a deadline (always like a good deadline!), juggling an almost impossible and maze-like day to day, I am now behind.

Ah, the frustration of being a writer.

Many loyal readers and fans of Destiny have contacted me about the release of the second book, Destiny’s Journey. Fear not, Destiny shall emerge, shining brighter than ever! Her adventures and journey only get better but just a wee bit later than I’d hoped.

I shall keep you posted - guaranteed.

DJ Steel


I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Thank you all for your support during 2019 - it has been one helluva year for me, what with the floods and everything.

We now have most of the country burning with bushfires.

As the Australian poet Dorothea McKellar said, “I love a sunburnt country!”

2020 is the year for Destiny’s Journey now.

Write, publish and be damned, I’ve heard it said!

Thank you so much for all your support, once again, it is invaluable to me.

I will be in touch soon.

DJ Steel


Greetings all from Northern Australia,

I am home.

The big February floods in February 2109 had me displaced for most of the year but now I am back home.

Hopefully The Muse will return now and I can continue writing.

Destiny’s Journey is now my top priority.

I am up to Chapter 6 so with a little application I will knock out the rest quickly.

Will keep all posted of progress, cheers.



Hope this note finds everyone well.

Now the seventh month and I am still not home.

Light at the end of the tunnel though - repairs are scheduled to finish at the end of this month, August.

Then it is a matter of refurnishing.

My 58th birthday is on September 13, so I am hoping to give myself a big present.

Have been busy making notes for the third book, tentatively called Destiny’s Return at this stage.

A bit bland but I hope I get some inspiration there!

A hint - it takes place on Buttondrop’s home planet, Zenoth.

I reckon if I am settled that I can polish off the manuscripts for two books next year.

A bit ambitious - we shall see.

Take care, all. I will be in touch again soon.



After much heartbreaking thought and discussions with friends and family, I have decided to postpone publishing the second book in the Destiny trilogy, Destiny’s Journey, until 2020.

This has been a hard decision but my hand was forced. I am still not in my home since the terrible flood in Townsville four months ago.

My Muse has deserted me!

I reckon once I am home I can polish off two books next year and get them into print. Ambitious however we shall see. Keeping an eye on the planetary movements!

Hope this is not too disappointing.

I will keep you all posted. Thanks so much for all your support so far, it inspires me.

DJ Steel


Howdy folks,

Trust this note finds you all well.

I told a while back how I was flood-affected and washed out of my home.

Three months later and I am still not home.

Dealing with insurance companies is like trying to get blood out of a stone!

Terrible situation. They are quite ready to take your money in the good times but when it comes to the crunch …

Ah well, a learning curve, a life experience.

Gives me lots of grist to write about.

Definitely a flood in third book! Ha ha ha!

We are still aiming for a Xmas release for the second book, Destiny’s Journey, everything going to plan.

I will keep you all posted.




Hi everyone,

Hope you are all doing well and are settled into 2019.

I have a little story to tell you.

Last month, February, there was a flood in the city I live in, Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.

My home was flooded out and I lost all my belongings.

I literally walked out with just the shirt on my back..

.I managed to save the laptop with all my writing, though.

The second book, Destiny’s Journey, has been put on hold until I can manage repairs and get back in my own home.

I am just finishing up Chapter Six and will endeavour to keep writing when and where I can.

My brilliant illustrator Christopher Brunton has been toying with some ideas and is busy working too.

We are still holding to a Xmas release but we will have to see, one step at a time.

I will keep you posted of events.


Hi folks,

Hope this note finds you all well.

Just to let you know I am up to Chapter Six of Destiny’s Journey and am getting together some rough sketches for the illustrations.

I had hoped to finish the first draft by the end of 2018 but alas! the plans of mice and men.

2019 is shaping up to be a good year.

I am busy securing the financing to self-publish again.

At the moment in North Queensland, Australia, we are on a cyclone watch.

Maybe something will happen there, maybe not, these events are so unpredictable.

I will keep you in touch with my progress.

I hope you all had a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.




Well, it is stinking hot and humid here in North Queensland, Australia, with no letting up in sight.

Hope the weather is kinder where you are!

Finally finished Chapter Four of Destiny’s Journey after a long hiatus when my computer broke down.

Onwards and upwards, an old friend of mine always says!

Will keep you posted.



Hi everybody, hope this note finds you all well!

Letting you know that I am up to Chapter Four of Destiny’s Journey and powering on.

The adventure at sea begins.

I have some new characters to entice you all with, so stay tuned.

Life goes on here in Northern Australia.

We have had our winter and spring almost, what we call The Dry, and hopefully we will get a decent Wet Season later in the year.

Stay safe. I will be in touch again soon.