Hey all you young dudes, hope this note finds you well. I am good.

Chris Brunton, the illustrator, and I are continuing to work on the final book of the Destiny trilogy, Destiny Returns: the road home.

We stalled there for a while but all things are geared up to have the book published and released early 2025.

As Chris sends me something substantial, I will upload to this site to keep you in the loop.

Thanks for all your patience and I hope to have some news for you soon.



Greetings all,

Just to keep you up to speed on the 3rd and final book of the Destiny trilogy as a work in progress.

I have finished the first draft of the story and am in the process of tweaking the manuscript to whip it into shape.

While I am doing this, I am listening to an audiobook of Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank narrated by Helena Bonham-Carter.

Destiny turns 13 in the final book and officially becomes a teenager, a correlation Anne I didn’t make up until I did some research on her.

Her story, so articulate and imaginative, is informing my wrapping up of the Destiny series.

I have still a way to go to finish the audiobook but already the dark clouds are forming on the horizon for Anne.

Such a tragic and gut-wrenching story about the end of her life.

Very sobering listening.

I’ll keep you posted of progress, cheers.



Many people were asking me about the illustrations for the Destiny books, done brilliantly by my good friend and colleague Chris Brunton.

I asked him to do something up for the blog on the book website and the following is what he came up with. Below is a short commentary on his artistic process followed by examples of the illustration in progress and the final product.

A side note: I give Chris the words/manuscript and he chooses what he wants to illustrate. He has total artistic freedom which works for both of us and he nails the story every time. Over to you, Chris!

… or if a quick answer will suffice, yes, I use a drawing tablet with a pen that mimics a range of real world strokes or marks and effectively turns my computer into a sketch pad or canvas.


I work entirely in photoshop at a high PPI (350px at print size) using a collection of limited custom brushes that simulates pencil, ink pen, pastel, charcoal and other traditional marks. I say limited because I feel like with photoshop you have to consciously work not to allow it to end up looking synthetic and setting limits on yourself is a good guard.


Due to the non-cartoony finish I’m seeking, I try and source as much photographic reference material as possible (this is critical for ships and rigging and such, stuff you just can’t fudge). For people I take photos myself using mostly Yasmin for the girls, Rob Haskins as Buttondrop, various old movie actors for pirates or if I’m desperate I grab some of my trusty old GI Joes and pose them in the closest lighting conditions to what I need. You would be amazed how handy they are for action scenes. Costumes are also referenced, again mostly from old movies or historical images.


Conceptually the work process is the same as traditional drawing or painting. I'll do multiple rough sketches until I find the right angle (composition). This is the stage I sweat over the most. Then I redraw my decided upon rough composition on a new layer as a tight key line that ends up more mechanical drawing, really a guide, most of which gets taken away as the painting progresses.


Advantages of full digital:


Plenty, but two really big ones. 


If I was still working on illustration board I’d have to get the finished pieces scanned, which is expense and a dodgy proposition at best given loss of information once it becomes a second generation image.


Working across multiple layers means I can make changes on the fly. You will see in the following progression I’m not entirely settled on some of the figures. Even after I’ve started painting I can get in and redesign a section with no hassle because each character is sitting on their own layer, and those seperate from the background layer.



Hello everyone,

Well, it’s been a long time between drinks but the Destiny’s Journey project is finally off the ground.

My book marketer in America, Pam Murphy, is set to launch the book on November 16.

All systems are go and the revised website is now up and running. Many thanks to my website designer in London, Claudia Tinnirello. She has done a fantastic job.

While all this preparation to publish has been going on, I haven’t sat on my hands.

I am up to the final chapter of the 3rd installment of the Destiny trilogy, Destiny Returns: the road home.

When the first draft is finished, I will hand it over to my brilliant illustrator Chris Brunton to get started on the illustrations. Then I will go back over the manuscript to whip it into shape for publication.

I envision publishing and launching the last book this time next year, in 2024, all things being equal.

Thanks to all my loyal readers and I hope you enjoy Destiny’s Journey: the adventure continues.

In the words of my beloved cousin, Mandy, onwards and upwards!




Howdy folks,

Thank you for being so patient.

This second book in the Destiny trilogy, Destiny’s Journey: the adventure continues, has been a long time in the making but now we are moving to final stages of publication and release.

The manuscript is currently with the publisher being edited and the illustrator Christopher Brunton is nearly finsihed the last three illustrations.

The project has been plagued with delays and ill fortune.

My good friend and editor Dave Letch passed away unexpectedly last year as did my book marketer in America, Viki Winterton.

Despite these sad happenings, the project is nearly complete.

I look forward to sharing with you all the next instalment of Destiny and her friends.

Thanks again for being so patient - I hope it is worth the wait.



Greetings all.

Hope this note finds you well.

Just a brief note to let you know that all systems are go for the publication of Destiny’s Journey: the adventure continues, this year.

I am busy expanding the manuscript having finished the first draft while illustrator Christopher Brunton is continuing to work on the illustrations - he is up to Chapter 8.

Powering on! I am already making notes and writing the synopsis for the third book, tentatively titled Destiny’s Return.

I will keep you posted on progress.




Greetings folks, I hope this note finds you all well.

Progress on the second book Destiny’s Journey continues at a snail’s pace but still going.

The advent of COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and I am not immune.

I have more time now to devote to writing as I had to give up full-time work due to ill health.

Healthy enough to be creative still, though!

The illustrations are almost all done and I have finished the first draft of the manuscript. Just a bit more work needs to be done before I can go to the publisher. Bear with me!

Take care, stay safe and may the road rise with you.


David Steel


Hi Everyone,

Hope this note finds you all well.

Just to let you know I have hit Chapter 11 of Destiny’s Journey: the adventure continues and am powering on with the first draft.

At this stage, I hope to publish later this year, all things going well.

Attached is a teaser illustration from my brilliant illustrator Christopher Brunton. I hope you like it.

I will keep you posted of progress.

DJ Steel