Intro Blog

M y name is David John Steel, the author of Destiny’s Dream. I hope you like my book. This is my first entry on my website blog so I’d like to share a few things with you.

 Welcome to the world of Destiny Drummond!

 With this first entry, I’d like to share with you how some of the names of the characters were first formed.

 Buttondrop the Maptoodoo – This is a curious story. I worked at a local newspaper for 15 years and with the computers, when a job came online, a little button on the side of the monitor would drop down. A work colleague and I used to joke about this so it became Buttondrop. The Maptoodoo side came from my colleagues work as a graphic artist. He would have a weather map to work on, so it became Maptoodoo.

 Destiny Drummond – The name Destiny came from my cousin’s daughter Destiny, who the book is dedicated too. Drummond I just made up.

 Maximum Mischief – When I was a child, there was a children’s television program in Australia called Adventure Island. In it the villain’s name was Miser Meanie, so Maximum Mishcief is a bit of an offshoot of that.

 Manky and Shonky – Manky and Shonky are names we in Australia give to things that are grubby or unworkable. These are just fun names but suit the characters well, I think.

 Count Dabacus – This was a nickname that my cousin gave me over the course of ages referring to me as the Count. He is a vital character in the book and very mysterious.

 Angelique – This name derives from Angel. An obvious one, yes, but suits the Dream Guardian down to a tee.

 Sarah, Destiny’s friend – Sarah is the name of my four-year-old niece. I thought it would thrill her to have her name in a book, so there you have it.

 So that’s how some of the names in the book were formed.

 I’ll catch up with you later, bye.